I have two complaints with regards to managing CPE's in the New CPE Portal.
A. The new CPE Portal view uses Large Tiles. My complaint with this is that I cannot change to a list view that I can order per column. Is the intention to make it more difficult for people to track which webinars they have already watched??
B. Webinar List view. My next complaint here is that there is no tracking of what content I have viewed and how have far I have watched that content. Other streaming services currently do this. Is the intention to again make it more difficult for people to track what they have already watched??
How do I submit a feature request for the site to be changed?
@Kempy Thank you for reaching out to us and I apologize for the inconvenience. Please know, we are working to make improvements to the CPE portal which will be rolled out early 2019. This will include updates to the CPE view page (it will be in list view instead of text tiles), as well as the CPE transcripts (chronological order and include the names of activities). For BrightTalk and BlueSky webinars, both of those sites have a 'Viewing History' section. I would also suggest keeping a list for yourself that includes the dates/titles of the webinars you view. I will also provide your feedback to management to review with BlueSky and BrightTalk.
Best Regards,
Amanda Vance
I agree and submitted a request this morning before logging in the forum to membersupport@isc2.org.
ISC2 Member Support,
The CPE Portal provides a transcript PDF file with very short titles and a “View” page with Twitter Bootstrap style cards that contain a title and some details.
Enhancement request:
Provide a way to export the view page with the title and details in either a comma-delimited file or other format that enables import or copy/paste into a spreadsheet.
I have read the FAQ’s about the development process and testing. The changes have made the process of tracking CPEs more complex.
Thanks for the reply, Are site updates done on a yearly basis?
I would think having an API for CPE's might a good Idea too, especially if you have other vendors you need to sync to/from.
@Kempy We make updates to the site frequently; however, they are not always as big of an update as the CPE portal was this year.
Best Regards,
Amanda Vance
My apologizes for piggybacking onto this thread. However I have noted another oddness. On my profile I can see a difference between the CPE status onto my member-home page and the CPE status report via the hyperlink "Submit / Edit My CPE Credits".
@hlg65 Thank you for your post. Please know, this is also a known issue we are working to resolve right away. I apologize for any inconveniences.
Best Regards,
Amanda Vance