I passed the CISSP exam a year ago and at the time I expected delays in getting documentation for my previous employment, so I believe I chose the option that I didn't have proper experience and was sitting the exam for Associate status. After passing, I had a button on my profile where I could submit for endorsement.
I did have delays in contacting former co-workers and supervisors to where I was confident I could prove experience, at the same time i gained more experience from my current position. I'm now confident that I have documentation to put towards the endorsement process, but I'm no longer able to locate the endorsement button in my profile.
My question is this: How does an Associate member submit for CISSP status once they attain the necessary experience to upgrade?
@longkevinm Thank you for reaching out. Please contact our Endorsements team at programs@isc.org and include your Associate ID#. One of our Endorsements Specialists will guide you through the CISSP submittal process.
That's a fine offer of specialist guidance!
The standard way to do it is just to go through the usual endorsement link: