A while back, users of older Apple iPhones started making noises about their phones being "throttled" and running slower.
Turns out they were right. Apple had found that, for certain applications, if the batteries were older (and possibly dying) the demands of the application could cause the phone to simply quit, and stop working. So an upgrade to the operating system checked for these conditions, and, if the battery showed signs of failing, would dial back the CPU cycles so that the crash wouldn't happen.
Trouble is, they didn't tell people first, didn't allow any options, and people got upset.
Now, they probably did the right thing, technically. (Politically, it wasn't so smart.) And now an Italian court has decided they did the wrong thing, and has fined them. (They have also fined Samsung, which may not be guilty of anything, for the same thing.)
If this ruling stands, it's going to make deciding on upgrades and fixes a very complicated business. Politically. (It was already complicated enough, technically ...)
... and financially. Really? $1K for a stinking phone? My 7 better run forever.
I am waiting for it to happen on my iPhone 8 which keeps asking me to update to iOS 12.......I long for my old Motorola flip phone