I'm sure I recall studies very similar to this one on sonic disruption of drives in years gone by. (Not to mention all the studies on how to get info out of a hard drive by listening to what it is doing, and the covert channels you can set up that way.) (And I wonder if this type of stuff is behind the "sonic attacks" in Cuba and China?) (But I digress.)
I recall a tale from the early days when a BBC crew was filming a documentary about a new computer system that had been installed.
Only they couldn't get any decent footage of the computer actually doing anything because the machine kept crashing.
In the end it was determined that the BBC crew was to blame. There was a photographer in the crew (probably shooting stuff for the Radio Times magazine) with a camera--and a flash. The computer had ranks of tape drives, and, every time the flash went off it (simultaneously) tripped all the (optical) end-of-tape sensors, and overloaded the computer's capacity to handle the interrupts.
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