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Community Champion

Self Driving do you feel safe - and whose responsibility is it?

Hi All


Well this is an interesting issue Self Driving and whose responsibility is it, if you are in hands off driving mode?





2 Replies
Community Champion

It will be interesting to see the first case should an accident happen with the Drive Pilot engaged.


How does one prove it was engaged?

How does one prove they did not interfere with it?

How would one say, I was watching a movie while it was engaged?

Has the car and its software been properly maintained?

When was the last maintenance?


,,,,,,not to mention a long list of other questions that might arise.


My sense, it could become a finger pointing contest all too fast.


Great read and very thought provoking.




Community Champion

@dcontestiI am thinking along the lines, how does anyone know that the actual firmware for the vehicle, has not been compromised or a zero day discovered? 


How do you prove beyond reasonable doubt that it was in a fit state, and someone had not accessed it remotely, and created new instructions?


Does this come down to running diagnostics and Integrity checking on all systems before taking it on the road?


Or we actually need rather like the forthcoming PCI DSS V4.0 continuous monitoring whilst connected to cloud services? 


Or could the firmware actually have been replaced with a Trojan Horse, and aimed at a particular target?



