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Community Champion

OpenAI's GPT-4o and the challenges of hyper-anthropomorphism

Hi All


Read the associated paper, and then think what are the ramifications for humans, society and information security and privacy - if the majority of humans adopt this approach, we will see a significant upswing in fraud, scammers and many other social engineering attacks.  So be cautious.


Can we trust human beings? 




Privacy concerns: “Anthropomorphic AI assistant behaviours that promote emotional trust and encourage information sharing, implicitly or explicitly, may inadvertently increase a user’s susceptibility to privacy concerns. If lulled into feelings of safety in interactions with a trusted, human-like AI assistant, users may unintentionally relinquish their private data to a corporation, organisation or unknown actor. Once shared, access to the data may not be capable of being withdrawn, and in some cases, the act of sharing personal information can result in a loss of control over one’s own data. Personal data that has been made public may be disseminated or embedded in contexts outside of the immediate exchange. The interference of malicious actors could also lead to widespread data leakage incidents or, most drastically, targeted harassment or black-mailing attempts.”

Manipulation and coercion: “A user who trusts and emotionally depends on an anthropomorphic AI assistant may grant it excessive influence over their beliefs and actions. For example, users may feel compelled to endorse the expressed views of a beloved AI companion or might defer decisions to their highly trusted AI assistant entirely. Some hold that transferring this much deliberative power to AI compromises a user’s ability to give, revoke or amend consent. Indeed, even if the AI, or the developers behind it, had no intention to manipulate the user into a certain course of action, the user’s autonomy is nevertheless undermined. In the same vein, it is easy to conceive of ways in which trust or emotional attachment may be exploited by an intentionally manipulative actor for their private gain.”

Overreliance: “Users who have faith in an AI assistant’s emotional and interpersonal abilities may feel empowered to broach topics that are deeply personal and sensitive, such as their mental health concerns. This is the premise for the many proposals to employ conversational AI as a source of emotional support, with suggestions of embedding AI in psychotherapeutic applications beginning to surface. However, disclosures related to mental health require a sensitive, and oftentimes professional, approach – an approach that AI can mimic most of the time but may stray from in inopportune moments. If an AI were to respond inappropriately to a sensitive disclosure – by generating false information, for example – the consequences may be grave, especially if the user is in crisis and has no access to other means of support. This consideration also extends to situations in which trusting an inaccurate suggestion is likely to put the user in harm’s way, such as when requesting medical, legal or financial advice from an AI.”

Violated expectations: “Users may experience severely violated expectations when interacting with an entity that convincingly performs affect and social conventions but is ultimately unfeeling and unpredictable. Emboldened by the human-likeness of conversational AI assistants, users may expect it to perform a familiar social role, like companionship or partnership. Yet even the most convincingly human-like of AI may succumb to the inherent limitations of its architecture, occasionally generating unexpected or nonsensical material in its interactions with users. When these exclamations undermine the expectations users have come to have of the assistant as a friend or romantic partner, feelings of profound disappointment, frustration and betrayal may arise.”


Apologies the paper within the article is greater than the permitted size, I definitely suggest you download it and read it.





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