For some reason, on the Johns Hopkins CoVID-19 dashboard, Canada, as a country, has disappeared. (If you switch to the province/state/dependency mode, the individual provinces with infections still show up.)
This is disturbing, for someone who lives there ...
May the fourth be with you.
Will your office be the same? Or will you remain in remote working?
@Caute_cautim wrote:
Ku Klux Clan?
Apparently, this happened iclose to San Diego, CA.
iclose to San Diego, CA.
Wait ... there's an Apple version of "close"?
I don't have any problems with the old people. I'm old, and I know about chronic pain, and, as long as the speed is constant, I don't care if it's slow.
No, it's the people who come in looking nervous and, at the same time, not really paying any attention to their surroundings. Sorry for the profanity, but I really feel like getting a T-shirt that says, "Well, where the [pr0n filter] do YOU want to go next?" for when I'm shopping.
I really think that stories like this should be added to the coronavirus death totals ...