They see you when you're sleeping. They know when you're awake. They know where you've been, and with whom ...
Facebook has filed patents describing using location data, as well as historical location data and the people you know and associate with, to predict where you are going next.
This story also points out some interesting things about patents. All the component technology that Facebook mentions in its patent filings already exists. It hasn't invented anything new, and similar predictive systems already exist. But if you are clever enough in rewording and combining things, then some people will give you a patent ...
Is this the world we want our kids to grow up within?
Frightening, but could very easily become the normal behaviour and acceptable one too.
Groupthink could very easily come into play and be readily accepted by the masses.
Well facebook has reallity done it now:
Are these people insane?
Let the consequences well and truly be upon them!
Is Facebook ready to partner with a security partner or is this speculation?