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Community Champion

Dozens of countries will pledge to stop paying ransomware gangs

Hi All


Nice idea, but will it work in reality, look at the number of bitcoins exchanged and the value!!





3 Replies
Community Champion

I read the article and have a number of questions.


So the governments are going to take action?  What about the little guy that is being hacked?  Do the governments truly believe that blocking "bitcoin" is really going to forestall the number of attacks?


Even if 40 or so governments sign on, when/how do they believe that everyone will comply?  At last count, I believe there are 195 countries?  What is to stop the hackers from using one of those countries??


What will the penalty be for companies that do not comply with the government's edict?  Double jeopardy, the hacker gets me and then the government penalises me?


Sorry but I would prefer that they get together and use their combined powers to eliminate some of the players in this arena or make it such that folks think twice before launching this type of attack.  Or even spending funds on educating folks and corporations.







Community Champion

How about a pledge to do proper backups and updates!


Never knew I had jokes did you!



Community Champion

“ Sorry but I would prefer that they get together and use their combined powers to eliminate some of the players in this arena or make it such that folks think twice before launching this type of attack. Or even spending funds on educating folks and corporations.”

I darkly suspect someone will decide that the real fix should involve elimination of vulnerable users…