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Influencer II

Digital Detox

Over on the (parody) discussion of CPEs, I have inadvertently created a mini-furor, and upset @Shannon , @pearceww , @j_M007 , @JimmyD , @Caute_cautim , and @dcontesti .  I apologize.


The reason for my tardy responses lies in digital detox.  Although I've been on the Internet since before it was called the Internet, and manage my online time reasonably well with all that experience, recently there have been calls for people to take "digital vacations," and get rid of, or turn off, all devices for various activities or periods of time.


I thought this was probably a good idea, so, for the past few years, I've taken Sunday off.


I think it's a good plan, so far.  I know that, when I started, I was very nervous about missing something on my news sources: the dreaded FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out).  Over time I've gotten some perspective back, and now I hardly even notice: it's just part of my routine.  (This week I had an appointment Monday morning, so my absence was possibly more prolonged.)


I also turn my cell phone off when I'm at home, so there's less temptation to turn into one of those people who cannot be without their phone and apps for more than three minutes at a time.  Very occasionally someone gets mad at me because I am not instantly available when an idea pops into their head.  Even more infrequent are the cases where that actually matters.


I'd recommend it, it you don't already try it.   You'll likely save money on blood pressure medication.


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18 Replies
Community Champion

My Detox is get the trusty weed-eater or Shrub Cutter and hammer away at the sections, to clean them up before Winter for two solid days.  





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Dangerous habit
Community Champion

That definitely provide a detox.


We are doing the opposite and just raking our lawns, seeding and hoping something survived the winter.





Community Champion

My essential detox today, was clean the gutters out, open the down pipes and get rid of the accumulated grime and muck.  Very important when you depend on tank water.  Now a few hours later, the gutters are absolutely clean, and the down pipes are running pure water.  And now it is pouring with rain, and the tanks are full again already.  So time to open the down pipes again, to ensure the overflows are moving in the right direction.  


Yet, during the Summer, we were making good use of the water, because you never know when the next time it will rain. 





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@dcontestiThe great circle of life.





Influencer II

Elizabeth May, leader of Canada's Green Party at the federal level, got married today.  (Yeah, OK, Earth Day, we get it ...)


I think it's tomorrow that they head off on a honeymoon, by train (second most efficient transport system) to Ottawa.


And her new hubby has taken her Blackberry away for the trip ...


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And the digital watch, Fitbit etc its not easy. AirWatch plugs etc?


And the method of transport isn't an aeroplane - by chance?   Poor earth.





Influencer II

Selena Gomez, the 3rd most followed person on Instagram, just said social media has been terrible for young people


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I think Detox should be practiced more often, a colleague who retired to the Scottish Isles, had a shock the other day, his wife died.  So let this be a reminder to use ones life to the full to the benefit of all, and never let a day go past without completing or achieving something every day, even if you feel like hell.   We have the capability to do great things.  Use it wisely.  Detox often and renew.



