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Community Champion

Blockchain as the attack tool: DNS

Hi All


It was only a period of time before Blockchain would be used by Crimes Incorporated Inc:





2 Replies
Defender I

John (@Caute_cautim) I believe you have inadvertently mis-represented the report by referring to blockchain as an attack tool. In fact, the described use of a blockchain as DNS alternative is to allow those in a particular community to have a controlled DNS pointing to darkweb sites used for illicit commerce and communication. There is no aspect of an attack against outsiders that the alt-DNS blockchain is part of. 


As I read the report, it occurred to me that use of a legitimate public DNS blockchain might help protect against DNS poisoning attacks, which the current public, shared DNS architecture allows. The idea behind DNSSEC is to provide similar protection. Now I am curious of it might be easier and cheaper to use a DNS blockchain in lieu of universal DNSSEC?




D. Cragin Shelton, DSc
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Community Champion

@CraginSI believe you are correct.   Given the overheads of DNSSEC, and only the top level domains actually putting in the required controls for it.   You might be on to something by applying it directly to DNS and even the Blockchain Council are interested in this concept as well.


I suggest we monitor this space, it would certainly solve some major problems within the DNS space.


Thanks for the clarification.



