Having now plowed through all the live and recorded keynote addresses and sessions on the main agenda, I need to clarify what I should expect to see sometime in the next thirty days when the CPEs are reflected in my (ISC)² account:
@Xenophore I've sent a message to our events team to follow up with you.
(ISC)² Security Congress 2020 offered 43 Sessions (1 CPE each), 4 Keynote Speakers (1 CPE each) and Town Hall (1.5 CPE’s) which comes to 48 total sessions. In addition, there are 15 Networking and Engagement Sessions (0.5 CPE’s) and 5 Career Development Sessions (0.5 CPE’s). These are all CPE eligible.
BrightTalk has advised us that since all of our sessions were live, they will not show up in your BrightTalk viewing history.
I second the viewing history request. Also, I don't see any of the Security Congress 2020 CPE credits shown in my dashboard on the ISC2 CPE history. How do I resolve this issue?
Hi @Tomas_Lee Did you register for Security Congress using the same information as your (ISC)² account (email, ID #)? If so, you should see your CPE credits applied in your portal if you watched the event "live" November 16-18. We're continuing to apply them to accounts as members continue to watch more sessions. If you should have CPE credits applied already (it took about 30 days from the live event for CPE credits to be input), but don't see them, please pop an email over to membersupport@isc2.org so we can look into this for you!
I also have this issue. After attending all 3 days of live sessions, I have only been awarded 10 CPE's! No explanation of what happened. None whatsoever. Like the previous poster, there is no history in BrightTalk either. I have been told I have access to watch again to get more CPE's. REALLY! 3 days and an all access pass for 10 CPE's. Won't be doing this again...
Please reach out to our member services team. Someone should be able to assist you with your account and CPEs. I apologize for the inconvenience. I hope you'll reconsider and join our next event. Sorry for the glitch in your CPEs.