Hi, my name is YK. I passed my exam in Dec and eventually, I am here today. According to the members count, there are only 4,136 members in China and 1,968 members in Hong Kong. Given the whole 1.4+ Billion population in Greater China, it doesn’t seem like a whole lot. So, I am just highly curious about what other members do at work and where the knowledge has been applied to…
This is a brief intro about myself, I am in product/project/program management; I focus on sensors-based IoT but had been more on the hardware side. My MNC employer has a fairly low risk appetite, while I have to partner with companies of various sizes and knowledge levels to build IoT solutions for markets overseas. So CISSP basically beefs up my cyber risk management capability as a PM. (Honestly, I asked myself, why gone thru so much to use just so little…)
My most frequent question to my candidate project partner(s) would be to check how privacy data is being collected, computed, and transmitted across IoT sensors, edge, cloud, and dashboard; verified whether the data encryption level (at rest/in transit) has complied with a standard such as OECD and GDPR for the target countries; if major risks have proper treatment in SLA…etc.
So, how do you guys utilize your CISSP?
Thanks for pointing~
YK Ho - Thanks for the information. Much appreciated.