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Community Champion

Creating Resiliency in the Supply Chain

I was listening to the HBR IdeaCast podcast Creating More Resilient Supply Chains while prepping dinner and two things stuck out to me.

The 1st was mapping your supply chain and categorizing suppliers into tiers. For example, Tier 1 would be your direct PC/Laptop supplier, Tier 2 would be the suppliers to the PC/Laptop supplier. The 2nd was categorizing your vendors by conducting a risk assessment to determine the amount of risk each supplier posed if your organization couldn't get that item or service in the time frame needed.

Has anyone attempted to map their suppliers into the 2nd tier or 3rd? Any push back from them not wanting to disclose that information?

Any issues with getting laptops, web cams, or other materials related to working remotely due to the pandemic? Anything that surprised you?
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