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Community Manager

NEW Volunteer Opportunity: NIS 2

ISC2 is seeking 50 members to engage in an exclusive project relating to the NIS 2 Directive. Time Requirement: One-Day Workshop this Fall + additional insights and information gathering for a few weeks (on your own time).


Participants can apply by registering as a Content Curator on the ISC2 Volunteer Interest form. Selected members will be valued as a Subject Matter Expert (SME) and receive Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits.


Learn more about the responsibilities and skill requirements at

1 Reply
Newcomer I

@mariatirado It is sad to see this post very late 😞 I would love to help out on that project.
However, I have done my own project on NIS2. I have my own open source cybersecurity tool project called Argonis on GitHub and I have created ArgoNIS2 project. If you visit the GitHub link for the project, you will see one executable and a Python script.

You basically enter the information on the UI and it tells you if that company needs to comply with NIS2. Additionally, this compliance checker has another tab giving more concrete information such as "need to appoint a security responsible person" or according to company size or employee size etc, it will tell you to assign a CISO.
For future reference:

If anyone from that group wants to develop ArgoNIS2 further, I would be happy to see that.