We can understand your frustration however, the community is really not intended for this discussion and hijacking another person's conversation is not going to help you.
If the timer did in fact time out, then you have an issue that Management needs to handle. I believe that Debnesten eluded to that issue.
Have you written or called Exam Administration? They are the only folks that can assist with your issues. Take five minutes and write a note to them, if that doesn't help CALL them, but please stop with continually posting to the forum.
As to the actual time out, go to https://isc2.org/contact-us and contact Customer service as well, failing that reach out to your local board member (I believe James Packer is from the UK).
Hello @Birmingham_UK - Thank you for reaching out, we can confirm that you have a current case open with our Exam Administration team and they will be the ones to assist you directly. We appreciate your patience, thanks!