I passed my CISSP exam and I received an email confirming that I passed my CISSP exam. I sign in to complete my application for endorsement about 5 days later - and I did see that my exam results are recorded in the "Passed exam" section with the correct date of completion.
However, after submitting my endorsement form - the passed exam section does not list the exam result anymore, instead lists a "No items to display". How can I obtain a confirmation that my exam results have been appropriately recorded?
Thanks so much!
I think that you are talking about on the ISC2 site. You should be able to see your history on Pearson Vue's site. You would not be able to submit an endorsement unless you passed. Congratulations as well.
Thanks so much. Yes, that makes sense. Appreciate you for taking the time to reply 🙂
I know that the endorsement page recently changed a bit, but you should always be able to see your Pearson Vue results. Glad to be of any assistance. Endorsement seems like it takes forever as well.
Hello @abhishekgummadi,
Congratulations on passing your CISSP exam! Thank you for reaching out to ISC2 through the Community Boards.
If you have any questions that the ISC2 website is unable to answer for you about Endorsement and its process, please reach out to membersupport@isc2.org, and a member of the Customer Experience Team will be glad to assist you with your inquiry.