> Dster2029 (Viewer) posted a new topic in Welcome on 01-25-2021 02:02 PM in the
> For all domains 1 to 6, The left-hand column says âœApril 2018 to
> April 2021â. For domains 7 and 8 however the left-hand column says âœprior to
> September 2020
You guys are "majoring on the minors." There isn't even much of a signficant
difference between the 10 domain structure and the 8 domain structure. It's all just
a rearrangement of the same "body of knowledge" that hasn't changed very much
in the past couple of decades. And the fundmental principles, which are the most
important part, don't change much at all. Which groups you put it in doesn't
matter unless you are writing study materials yourself. (At the moment I am
reviewing my own seminar materials, and I still use the 10 domain structure, which
I find academically "cleaner." I also used the 10 domain structure for
"Cybersecurity Lessons from CoVDI-19," for the same reason.)
rslade@gmail.com rmslade@outlook.com rslade@computercrime.org
"If you do buy a computer, don't turn it on." - Richards' 2nd Law
"Robert Slade's Guide to Computer Viruses" 0-387-94663-2
"Viruses Revealed" 0-07-213090-3
"Software Forensics" 0-07-142804-6
"Dictionary of Information Security" Syngress 1-59749-115-2
"Cybersecurity Lessons from CoVID-19" CRC Press 978-0-367-68269-9
============= for back issues:
[Base URL] site
http://victoria.tc.ca/techrev/CISSP refs: [Base URL]mnbksccd.htm
PC Security: [Base URL]mnvrrvsc.htm
Security Dict.: [Base URL]secgloss.htm
Security Educ.: [Base URL]comseced.htm
Book reviews: [Base URL]mnbk.htm
[Base URL]review.htm
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/techbooks/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Sladehttps://is.gd/RotlWB http://twitter.com/rsladehttp://blogs.securiteam.com/index.php/archives/author/p1/
Other posts: https://community.isc2.org/t5/forums/recentpostspage/user-id/1324864413
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