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Hello All,  I am preparing for the CCSP Exam.  I have a question that I haven't found the answer for.

  Can you take reference material into the exam room for utilization?  

Appreciate a definitive answer,  Tom

6 Replies
Community Champion

Definitive answers are found in definitive sources, of which posting to the community is not one.  The definitive answer to your question can be found in the above link.



I did not see a definitive answer.
I guess I assume that if it doesn't say you can - you can't.
Viewer II

No external material other than your ID is allowed in the exam room.

Newcomer I

No, you may not take external materials into the exam, if you do so you will be banned and will never take the exam again. ISC2 is very strict with these types of policies as it might be considered cheating. And if caught doing so PearsonVues might end up banning you for any other exams as well. Just study and remember the materials

Viewer II

@Prepaid Gift Balance wrote:

Hello All,  I am preparing for the CCSP Exam.  I have a question that I haven't found the answer for.

  Can you take reference material into the exam room for utilization?  

Appreciate a definitive answer,  Tom

(ISC)2 was pushing the CCSP for CISSPs through targeted marketing when they first released it, so apparently they think it has value. I have also done the course, just haven’t gone to take the test, and there was definitely a lot of good third party (CSA) info in the course content.

I would suggest to look at CCSP and the CISSP add-ons and see which one looks like it would give you more value, and go for it.


I passed the exam through PearsonVue on site the examination center.

there is no accepted documentation.
the only possible stuff to have with you is a pen 🙂 and your mind and experience to answer all the questions.

Good luck
