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Community Manager

VIDEO: What To Expect When Taking Your ISC2 Exam at a Testing Center

Curious about what to expect at the testing center on exam day? Wondering what you need to do to prepare for taking your exam - what to bring? what to leave at home? Watch this video from Pearson VUE "What to Expect When Testing with Pearson VUE" so you are prepared.

ISC2 Community Manager
5 Replies
Contributor I

It is nice to see things are as secure as they were in 2014, although I wish I could have seen this before I took my CISSP.
Community Champion

The one difference I noted is that I was cautioned to raise my hand but continue facing my monitor under threat of disqualification, whereas the test/model was turning around to face the attendant/camera and smiling as she waved.  

Contributor I

That's a good point; I believe I raised my hand and then after a beat turned slowly to face the window... my intent was to make it obvious I was drawing attention to myself, but wanted to see whether I was acknowledged.
Contributor I

Great video on preparing on taking my ISC2 Exam at a testing center.

Definitely helped me before taking and passing my CC certification exam.  

Thank you for sharing it with us!


All I can say is for my CISSP exam I was so convinced I bombed the exam after it shut down after 105ish questions I picked up my paper at the front after I left the exam room and walked out without reading it. It wasn't until I got to my car that I started reading it and thought, "What kind of sadistic examining body starts a failure letter with 'Congratulations'", but alas I passed!
If it's an adaptive test, just be prepared for the random shut down anytime after the minimum amount of questions and stay positive.
I've taken numerous exams at Pearson, and even my wife needed to take one there for nursing. They're professionals and typically very courteous!