So I have come across a testing issue that has been bothering me and found a little conflict:
The Sybex online glossary (and book) state:
Due Care: The steps taken to ensure that assets and employees of an organization have been secured and protected and that upper management has properly evaluated and assumed all unmitigated or transferred risks. due diligence The extent to which a reasonable person will endeavor under specific circumstances to avoid harming other people or property.
Due diligence: The extent to which a reasonable person will endeavor under specific circumstances to avoid harming other people or property
The (ISC)2 practice test Iphone app test question shows the following test question:
So my question at this point what is correct answer? This is very discouraging through my studying.
@iluom Mouli, good try at putting some order to the question, however, instill read some linguistic ambiguity to your and all previous replies in this thread.
I am convinced that @rslade Grandpa Rob had it right: The question itself is a BAD QUESTION because it tries to differentiate two legal terms in the context of non-lawyers. Subsequent posts in the thread demonstrate that there is no consistent difference between the terms in either legal or general public references.