Hello All
Do you have to pass all 6 domains with the CCSP exam to get an overall pass anyone know? I mean if your weaker in one domain than the others, can you still achieve an overall pass
It's based on the candidate's total overall score. You can be strong in some domains, and weak in others, just as long as your scaled score adds up to 700 then you're good to go. We all have our strengths and weaknesses...just be competent (devote more study time in your weak areas) in all areas and you should be fine.
Having said the aforementioned, I'd advise knowing as much material as possible for the exam, and being competent in all the domains. So many of the questions involve multiple domains concepts, and it's up to the candidate to decompose the problem(s) they're being asked to solve, and often provide the BEST answer. Don't expect to completely suck at Applications Security and Data Security, for example, and have enough wiggle room to pass. Again, be competent in all domains...even your weak ones.
I passed the ISSAP and CCSP exams back in January and February, and I felt comfortable with all the materials on the test - no surprises! I have six ICS2 certifications and, while we all enjoy passing, I've never liked not being provided with a scored exam report. This is different than ISACA who provides ALL exam takers (whether you pass or fail) with a scored report: overall weighted score (which is used for pass/fail) and by domain.
For example, some years ago I passed the CISA exam with a scaled score of 569 (needed a 450). It was invaluable to look at how I scored in each of the five domains for myriad reasons. First, when I was doing auditing and security assessments, someone else led the overall IT Auditing team, while I handled everything related to security (architecture, engineering, operations, controls, etc.). Sure, I'd help out with unique systems (e.g., mainframe, IoT, cloud) and other stuff from time-to-time, but mainly stayed in my lane.
So imagine my surprise when I saw that--while I passed-- I scored only 442 (below the 450 overall minimum) in the Information Systems Operations and Business Resilience domain. WTF?, I KNOW security operations and business continuity and disaster recovery...so this had me perplexed, especially when I scored 681 in Asset Protection and 659 in IT Governance.
It later occurred to me that I was answering these "Best" and "Next" type domain questions from the perspective of a Security Operations guy supporting BC/DR and not a Business Owner's perspective supporting BC/DR. It was nice to know how well I performed on the exam, and a nice lesson-learned.
Finally, I approached the CCSP as being an Enterprise/Cloud Security Architect type being asked to solve problems and make business recommendations. Good luck!
Thank you so much, that is so very timely and useful advice as I have my CCSP exam tomorrow!
I am averaging 65% to 75% on the pocket prep questions, but realise they are not similar to the actual CCSP exam questions which has me concerned. I find the ISC2 questions very fluffy, flaky, broad, vague and more like a word / English comprehension test. But then ISC argue 70% of people pass so no excuses I guess
It is good to know that I can pass with an overall score of 70% rather than failing because of one weak domain. I mean your right we all struggle in one domain at least. I just wish ISC would publish pass or fail the areas that need improvement rather than just give you a useless sheet of paper than says your proficiency level with no indication other than that
In all honesty I really despise these ISC exams. Although appreciate people can and do pass at the 70% mark so in all fairness I will try my best tomorrow. The annoying thing is its a "theory test" and does not reflect the true reality of the complex IT Security world
Thank you again for the great advice and comments
Good Luck!
Thank you very much. Your advice was a great help I actually passed the CCSP woo!
Nice! How did you feel when you the "Submit" button? I felt confident that I aced my recent battery of exams, but I gotta admit there's always that "period of fear, uncertainty, and doubt" when you hit that submit button, and complete the survey, prior to be served results. Again, congrats!
It felt real nice to hit the submit button. A relief. I was semi confident, but uncertain to be honest. I never saw any survey though?
On to the next ISC exam, CISSP
Yes, you don’t need to pass each domain individually. The CCSP exam is scored based on overall performance, so if you're weaker in one domain but perform well in others, you can still pass as long as you meet the overall passing score.