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Newcomer I

New Entry Level Opportunities!

Hi! I passed the Certified in Cybersecurity certification exam on Aug. 29, 2023 and have her scouring job boards looking for entry-level opportunities ever since. If anyone comes across one that they don’t mind shooting my way, I’d greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
4 Replies
Newcomer I

Oh never! Thank you for the congrats and encouragement.
Newcomer I

Greetings, and congratulaitons on passing your CC exams. I will first advise you never let anyone discourage you.


Below may be helpful for you:


- create accounts in known job sites like indeed, linkedn, careerbuilder, etc. even craigslist

- be part if multiple IT communities and network

- Professionally-made resume and some interview coaching

- Good familysupport system around you especially during your low periods


We are all different. The above may be overkill or not enough for you. Bear in mind no one knows your journey better than you. If you have no experience, then take whatever IT offer given, then builld from there.


I hope this helps in some way. who knows, you might be interviewing me for a job some day.

Newcomer I

I’m trying! Thanks
Community Champion

There’s a number out there, but usually you need to have IT experience or specific education/training such as a Degree to break in.

Spamming you opportunities without knowing where you are, where you can work isn’t going to go well but if you tailor linked in job searches around CC you might get some.
Newcomer I

New Entry Level Opportunities!

Hi! I passed the Certified in Cybersecurity certification exam on Aug. 29, 2023 and have her scouring job boards looking for entry-level opportunities ever since. If anyone comes across one that they don’t mind shooting my way, I’d greatly appreciate it. Thanks!