Hi all,
I've been preparing for the CSSLP exam for a while and would like to share some suggestions and comments about the material. I probably will not be able to summarize all of my suggestions in a single post, but am hoping that some of these will be addressed in the future to make the self-study material even more easily understood, comprehended and adopted.Unfortunately, I did not find a proper label for making suggestions/recommendations for content improvements. Hopefully, this also will be available sooner or later (or I may just use an incorrect place to do this - thank you for your understanding and patience).
From now on any of my suggestions will use the following structure:
Purpose: Why this suggestion is made.
Current state: What the CSSLP material includes to help the area described under 'Purpose'
Suggestion: Further improvements that can help the content even more accurate and optimized.
But first of all, I would like to thank ISC2 for creating the self-paced material and making available for the community.
= = =
Purpose: To receive more accurante feedback about the exam preparation material.
Current state: The pages of the Domain Catalog at https://isc2.obrizum.io/org/csslp include a "Did you understand the content?" question at the bottom of all pages where the candidate can rate her/his understanding about the presented materal of the page in percentage (e.g.: 80%).
Suggestion: While the percentage can provide some feedback to the content developers, it does not help about the exact areas where improvements may be recommended. I recommend adding a "Help us with your feedback" section on every page. This makes sure that the candidate has a fresh mind and idea about s/he found inappropriate or hard to understand, and a timely suggestion can be made to improve the content.
@norbertmurzsa Sorry I did not see your original posts. They are very detailed.
Unfortunately, they may have also been missed by the folks who can do something to correct the issues.
@mariatirado I am not sure who this should go to but are you able to forward this chain to the correct folks internally?
Hi guys,
I'm just finalizing my study and will book an exam very soon.
However, in the meantime I would like to redo the two lowest perfomed chapters' surveys for practising and further improvement.
The issue is that even if my license is still valid until the end of March 2025, the Official ISC2 CSSLP Online Self-Paced Training does not let me to redo the chapter end's surveys (practice questions) again.
HOME-> Domain #$NUMBER -> View -> Domain Catalog -> Survey -> Start -> End of the Content Catalog -> Click here for assessment -> ...and here it only ask about my "Overall Satisfaction" but there is no way to redo a previously (one time completed) survey!... OK. I revoke it. After giving feedback about the training byanswering 5-6 question, it actually let me to redo a survey (practice questions).
But I think people with less temper probably gives up trying this after the first of second "How satisfied are you with the training material?" Questions...if this comes instead of the survey they expect.
Please fix this.
I redo some past completed Domains' Survey (practice questions) and I found the following incorrect stem at Domain 2:
What is monitored to ensure that organization-wide operations remain within an acceptable level of risk?
I select one answer, then two, then three, then all the four.
Unfortunately, the "Check" button always remains inactive. It does not do anything when I click on it. So now, I stack here. (second question of the Survey).
Please fix this.
OK. I need to admit, I wasn't right.
The Check button only becomes available if at least one "Confidence rate" is set to more than 0%.
When I try to redo an earlier completed Domain's survey questions, after completing a few questions (3-4), the system drop me out to the "You Successfully Completed this Survey" page.
Luckily, the "Continue Learning" takes me back to the Survey to continue.
Just a note that the system says I completed everything even if only 74% of the Content was covered.
I think both should show 100% to announce the completion of the Domain.
During the survey questions in Domain 2 I found the following obsolete question:
What are the core business functions of SAMM
However, the current OWASP Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM) includes five (5) business function now that are: Governance, Design, Implementation, Verification and Operations.