Secure Software Development
The Dutch Chapter of ISC2 is pleased to announce our first virtual event of 2022, focusing on Secure Software Development. To register for this virtual event, please click here.
We are incredibly proud to welcome two renowned speakers to talk about their experience of Secure Software Development, Rob van der Veer and Martin Knobloch.
Agenda (Times are in CST (Amsterdam) Timezone)
- 19:00 – Opening: Chapter update and Speaker Introductions
- 19:15 – Secure Software Development
- 20:00 – Changed responsibilities in modern software development environments
- 20:45 – Q&A / open mic
- 21:00 – Closing
Secure Software Development – Lessons from across the globe
Rob takes you through some practical lessons about developing secure software based on working with clients.
- What are the pitfalls and what does it take to successfully build security in?
- How do all those processes fit into agile sprints?
- How do you change the mindset of the developers?
- What requirements do you have to make?
- How does privacy fit into this picture?

Presented by Rob van der Veer, CSSLP
Rob van der Veer has 30 years of experience building secure software and running software companies. Rob has always focused on security and privacy, from hacking into the British Royal Air Force (RAF) in 1986 to building AI solutions for national security.
At the Software Improvement Group, Rob has built the security & privacy practice into a strategic part of the company over the last 10 years. He is actively involved in several standardisation initiatives (eg OWASP SAMM, ENISA, IEEE, ISO/IEC, CIP) and leads the OWASP integration project, with as one of his accomplishments.
Changed responsibilities in modern software development environments
Agile, Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) and Dev[Sec]Ops are often mentioned interchangeably but are not. With the current security initiated shift-left paradigm, what is changed in and around software development regarding [application] security responsibilities?

Presented by Martin Knobloch
Martin Knobloch, Global AppSec Strategist with CyberRes, a Micro Focus line of business, is a long-time security leader with more than 15 years experience in the field. With a background in software development and architecture, his focus is on software security. Martin is actively involved in OWASP where he is a frequent contributor to various projects and initiatives, as well as a member of the Board of Directors. During his career, Martin has been a recognised teacher, guest lecturer at various universities and invited speaker and trainer at local and international software development, testing and security conferences throughout the world.