last year I have passed my SSCP exam. Now I am studying for my CISSP and I am therefor eligible for adding 30 CPE's for studying for this course. But for some reason I am unable to find where to submit this so I can earn those extra CPE points. Can anyone help me by pointinh me into the right direction?
Thanks advance, still learning here 😉
@bramqu I am taking a guess in thinking this is a simple navigation issue with the site since you are newer, so I will approach it as that. Sign into the ISC2 site, if it does not place you at your dashboard, the in the upper right click on the drop down that says hi and your name and select member dashboard, from the bar of options select CPEs, and this is where you being to enter a new CPEs starting with the beginning and ending dates in which the CPEs where acquired. Both might be the same day for something like a meeting or might span over time for a class or conference.
I hope this get you headed in the right direction.
Thanks John,
that was exactly what I was looking for. I feel like such a user 😉