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ISC2 Team

There are less than 30 days left to make a difference for aspiring cyber professionals!

There are less than 30 days left to apply for a CISSP 30th Anniversary Pathway to Certification Scholarship! We will provide 30 individuals globally with the opportunity to achieve their CISSP or other ISC2 certification by removing financial barriers. The #CISSP 30th Anniversary Pathway to Certification Scholarship changes lives and positively impacts peoples futures. Take it from one of our newest Board of Trustee members, Adel Melek, who obtained his CISSP 15 years ago and is now the Deloitte's Global Vice Chairman of Risk Advisory:


"I was delighted to learn about the CISSP certification process and designation, and immediately embraced this, not only for myself, but also to all the information & cyber security professionals at Deloitte. I led by example, along with many of my partners to obtain the designation, then encouraged all our professionals to obtain, and eventually made it a mandatory requirement to obtain it within few years of joining the firm. Obtaining the CISSP designation was a clear demonstration that a professional is committed to specialize in the information system security field and also committed to staying abreast of the constant development, through the CPE process."


Applications for this scholarship will close on August 19th!

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