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In Person Study Group, Austin TX!


Just started my CISSP training, I've always enjoyed collaborating in in-person sessions. If you're in Austin and would like to meet once a week or maybe twice depending on schedules, please let me know!


Most of us CISSP hopefuls already have the relevant experience and should be familiar with many of the terms, methodologies, best practices etc.; it all comes down to formalizing it and filling in the gaps. So, I hope to go fast and hit the syllabus hard.

2 Replies
Newcomer I

I'm also in Austin and currently doing my CISSP training. I'd love to join your study group and meet up once or twice a week. It sounds like a great way to keep motivated and cover the syllabus more efficiently. Looking forward to collaborating and getting through this together!


Sorry for the late reply, busy weekend for personal reasons


Looks like it'll be you and me; and a third person who may decide to take a different certification before this one.


We've decided to meet every Tuesday at a centrally located Starbucks at 6, starting the 13th. Two days would be ideal if your schedule permits. or as studies intensify.


I can't seem to find a way to send you a private message so please send me an email to studygroupaustin at gmail dot com.