Does this look correct below?
Purpose: is used to maintain the continuous operation of a business in the event of an emergency, with a goal to implement a combination of policies, procedures, and processes
Importance: The intent of a business continuity plan is to sustain business operations while recovering from a significant disruption. An event has created a disturbance in the environment, and now you need to know how to maintain the business Components
Components: is the proactive development of procedures to restore business operations after
a disaster or other significant disruption to the organization.
List of the BCP team members, including multiple contact methods and backup members
Immediate response procedures and checklists (security and safety procedures, fire suppression
procedures, notification of appropriate emergency-response agencies, etc.)
Notification systems and call trees for alerting personnel that the BCP is being enacted
Guidance for management, including designation of authority for specific managers
How/when to enact the plan
Contact numbers for critical members of the supply chain (vendors, customers, possible
external emergency providers, third-party partners)
thanks in advance
Where did this come from? Did you write this or is it from a CBK? Can you provide some context on your issue?
It seems from CBK
So how can we here help you?
Do you have a concern on what is written? Or do you need a better explanation?
Sorry just trying to understand how we can help you
Thanks Everyone I googled this and have the clarity I needed..