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CISSP In July 2024

Hi Everyone,


I will sit for my certification exams next month, Anyone to link up with to discuss.



2 Replies
Newcomer III

Have you checked this group Quite helpful...

Newcomer III

There are a lot of groups on LInkedIn where you might be able to find others that are studying for the CISSP exam. When I was preparing for the CISSP exam, I went to a 5-day "boot camp" before I took the exam that Saturday. But while a lot of people do take the time to prepare, there are some that just simply take the exam. I have a colleague who just simply went in, took the exam, and passed but he is very experienced as a cybersecurity professional with a very high-level of knowledge.


It all depends. No two paths are the same, nor is the preparation time the same. It just depends. You will know when you're ready because you'll feel ready.


Good luck!


Lee Kim

2024 ISC2 board of directors candidate