I obtained my CISSP about 9 months ago and am now preparing for CCSP.
While doing the test questions in ISC2 CCSP Official Practice Tests, I realised there are quite a few instances where I have to revise CISSP to get the answer right, as some concepts are not included in the ISC2 CCSP Official Study Guide but are called out in the Official Practice Tests.
Can anyone advise to what extent I should recap CISSP so that it is enough to pass the CCSP?
Thank you!
I am preparing for CCSP.
You should know what is in the latest exam objectives (ISC2 calls it an exam outline) for the CCSP. I did read the Sybex book and did a few of the questions, but I relied most on no cost materials from CSA (Cloud Security Alliance) and NIST. Those concentrate more on cloud concepts and security which is about half of the exam. CSA helped ISC2 develop their CCSP and ISACA their CCAK. NIST SP 800-125 is still a decent primer on virtualization as well. There will be 25 beta/pre-test questions on the exam; so there will be things on the actual exam that you have never seen before. Best wishes.
To be honest, pretty much all of it.....I know that isn't the most helpful answer, but it is what I found.
If you aren't completely clued up on CISSP, you will struggle.
Good luck!
@neilgrib I did it in the "wrong" order because was saving an exam voucher that one of our people was going to just let expire for the CCSP. I work in the field and had some more minor certifications and thought was done with certifications. I had been working on and reading on cloud for quite a few years. It was passing the CCSP that made me decide to attempt the CISSP. It was a beast for sure but made it through both.