I received my provisional pass on the CISSP exam today, and I wanted to know if that's something I can include on a resume. With the 8+ week wait for the endorsement verificaion and review process I'd like to include the pending CISSP on my resume (of course listing it as provisional or pending).
Looking at the logo guidelines in makes it clear that I can't claim to have the CISSP certification, but it doesn't specifically call out if you can list a provisional pass on a resume. I'm not finding anything concrete that says doing so would violate ToS.
If I need to wait the 8 weeks to get everything approved and official that's fine. I'm just excited and looking forward to being able to include the CISSP to my resume.
Am surprised it takes 8 weeks.
When I got my ISC2 and ISACA certs, I saw they took 4 weeks to process. I think in one case it was 3 weeks.
With ISACA, when you pass their tests you have 5 YEARS to submit paperwork to get the certification. ISACA has made it clear that you are fine to share out on social media that you've passed, but that is NOT to go on your resume or LinkedIn profile as it could give the wrong impression you have the cert. Would like ISC2 would be the same.
Not sure on other certifying bodies, but others expect the application BEFORE you take the exam (PMI, DRI, and maybe EC-Council does this).
It was around 4 weeks up until a few months ago. I won't go into the reasons why it increased, but it went up to over 9 weeks. Thankfully, it is now steadily making its way back down. I recently had an endorsement completed in just over 7 weeks. Hopefully they will get back to 4 weeks again in the not too distant future!
Having provisionally passed yesterday, I was sailing in the same boat today when updating my CV.
Even though this thread is more than four years old, a few thoughts that struck me are worth noting here.
At the same time, using "provisionally passed" is not questionable by anyone because the candidate's result is official. When required further explanation, the meaning of "provisionally passed" may be shared for clarity.
@hsehdarI don’t think your logic follows.
You can be a candidate, associate or a member.
You can put these on your CV, I’d even go so far as to say it’s OK to verbally really someone you passed and are awaiting your membership or associate status.
I don’t think that you can put provisionally passed CISSP or similar on your CV, as you would be creating an expectation that you were certified by or an associate of ISC2 before this was official.
If someone were to make a report/complaint to ISC2 I think there is probably a decent chance of disqualification from certification or association by/with ISC2 at least for a period of time.
You’d be better off waiting until you are officially informed that you are certified or an associate by ISC2 and can use the appropriate marks/make the claims.
@Early_Adopter Thank you. I agree.
IMHO, ISC2 does not clearly state the context of using the word "provisional" because the printed letter given at the test centre has it. It is not in the mail. So, it is to be wisely discretion by the passed candidate. As mentioned previously, further explanation may be given to non-ISC2 acquaintances.
All these subtle materials or points are a good test of the morals and ethics of individuals.
I appreciate you giving your time to read and comment.
I learned something from you.