I took my CISSP exam and passed on the first attempt. I'm very excited and I am awaiting the endorsement process. Really don't understand the 6 to 8 week timeframe. But guess that is the standard. Just glad I am finally getting this certification done, so it will open up new doors for my career...
Really want to start applying to new positions but also want to wait till I can put CISSP on the resume.....
Thanks for the challenging exam ISC2!!
Many congratulations!
Yes, the wait for the endorsement application to be approved is very frustrating. The vast majority of the time is spent in a queue waiting for applications submitted before yours to be completed.
The last reported wait time I heard was around 5 and a half weeks - it did balloon up to nearly 10 weeks or so at one point just to put things in perspective!
I got the email today that my endorser has submitted the endorsement.
I was allowed to participate in the IVMF Core Program at Syracuse University, and I have over 20 years experience.
Congratulations on passing the exam! It is quite the accomplishment!