Passed the exam! So, can anyone out there tell me what the inside is on filling out the endorsement job experience containers? Specifically, what does the job details of the job description look like? Do they want bullets, a cross map of duties-tasks to specific domains, a harlequin romance novel? Do you limit yourself to the 4 to 5 year mark or go further with, say 10 years documented experience.
Reason I ask, now I have to dig thru my records to find company, (multiple company's), letterhead for proof, (we're going back some years) which is fine, but if I can stick to the 4 years experience, claiming a 1 year waiver, I won't have to do as much digging up and rooting through files and possibly falling thru the attic!
Firstly, well done.
Just work with your endorser on the needed experience, 4 years plus a valid waiver does the job. If you have five years great, make sure you have the domain coverage, maybe if you can see six years clear then even better.
In documenting, I always think less is a more verifiable role, employer, dates, and duties that show domain coverage should be enough.
Please share your tips
I paid attention to the pervasive opinion out there of knowing how to read the questions, and understand the nuances when there's usually two answers that make sense, but you have to pick one that's most correct, vice one that's absolutely correct.
Sari Greene's CISSP exam videos are a good resource for this. Shon Harris' All In One is what I read, I like the way she writes. I took the ISC2 chapter and practice exams where I averaged around mid eighties.
By the time test day rolled around, I took a 30 minute or so walk before hand to get into a better frame of mind, there was pressure and nervousness in the build up.
You can't go back and answer or take a second look at a question, it's answer and move on. Good luck!