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Do I have enough experience?



I'm currently studying for my CISSP and I'm trying to figure out whether I should be shooting for my associate or becoming a full-fledged member. I currently have my Security+, which I believe I read could be used to qualify as one year of experience (unless that's changed). Beyond that, I work for a small company with a small IT and have to wear multiple hats. My official title for the past two years has been Network Administrator/Primary ISSO.


I can say pretty confidently, that I have spent the past two years in both the Communications and Network Security and Identity and Access Management domains, while also touching multiple other domains.


So, I guess my question is, can one year be counted twice if it's across multiple domains? Thus, turning my two years of real world time into four years of experience? Or do I need to put in at least two more years before I can become a full fledged member?


Thanks in advanced for any clarity,

Jared Keyes

1 Reply
Community Champion

The requirements are stated here:


Based on what you've described, I'd say you're still 2 years away from meeting the experience requirement, so should go for Associate status if you're planning on taking the exam in the next 18 months or so - you get 9 months from passing the exam to complete the endorsement process so can factor that in as well.


BTW - please be aware the CISSP exam is due to be updated in May 2021 so make sure you're following the appropriate exam outline based on when you will be taking the exam.